Glamour, Glitter, Fashion, and Pills!

The glamour, the fashion, the fame! The lives of the rich and famous sure seems fabulous, but it seems clear to us there is a lot of pressure once you’re on top. Everybody else is doing it… you may think it would help you network, or maybe feel more relaxed.   But when it comes down to it, there are too many ‘yes men’ in this alienating industry. It’s no surprise that substance abuse, be it alcohol or chemical, has become far too prevalent in our time. But pop that pill! If it’s perscribed, it must mean that it’s tailor made for your condition… whatever that condition may be, right?

We want to take you back to a time of “female hysteria” in the early 1900’s, when women were not only condemned as being over emotional and erratic, but the most plausible solution is that these women had cravings their husbands were not fulfilling. So naturally the cure for a over hyped women’s libido was to get ‘some’. Now, its the ‘what’ of the ‘some’ you may be asking, will she ‘get’?? Well, back in the day, the good doctor only needed his own two hands, maybe even just a finger, to help satisfy a women’s cravings. This was the logic then, though most doctors are less hands on today.

Now we look back on this with a horrendous idea of what our society was, but the reality is, it was not too long ago!! These women trusted their doctors, who of course are educating themselves daily, constantly learning new techniques, and being fed tactics from ‘higher up’ declaring the latest craze to hit the medical world. Be it a snake acid injected into the skin to help alleviate age, penicillin, or some kind of sedative promised to kill or calm whatever isnt letting you ‘feel good’ so you can feel a hell of a lot better feeling nothing at all!

Anxiety and depression are curable with a pill, if you live in North America.  Yet astonishingly in poorer nations where water and food is a luxury, the population riddled with anxiety doesn’t seem to exist. We’re so distracted by our worlds innovations, we’re loosing the concept of finding simple joy.

We all have witnessed someone we love battle with their own content.  We are bombarded by countless pressures telling us that what we have isn’t enough. Whether it’s the stresses of our mundane work day, or a quiet ambition driving us to be the perfect version of ourselves, we have become brainwashed to believe that it’s wrong to be unhappy.

In truth, its the up’s and downs of our lives which give us humility. But answers are handed out far too quickly in the form of a prescription. Sure seems like the best remedy for a mild case of celebrity is some kind of a numbing pain killer.

The influence of our prescription bound society is not only evident through tragedy but also found in modern art works.  Back in 2002, Lullaby Spring, a humungous display of  6136 hand painted pills by Damien Hirst recently sold for whopping 22.8 Million Dollars. More recently, we can find work by Beverly Fishman, where pill play has a major role in the efficacy of the Art piece called “Pill Spill“.

We are not suggesting a complete rebellion against the North American healthcare system (necessarily), but we do suggest readers look deeper than their prescription slip. Often if investigated, the ‘discovery’ or ‘root’ of so many modern ailments, are shrouded in as much mystery as the illness itself. It’s disheartening to think that a system which is structured to take care of us, is actually striking fear into us, and draining us of all logic and dollars.

Ingesting something synthetic asking for a cure will not save us, we must embrace what is true to our experiences as we go through them. Trust that tomorrow will be a brand new day.

R.I.P. We love you Whitney.
The Eye.

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