E.O.F. How To Ivy Style From LOOK Magazine, 1955.

When it comes to achieving that legendary Ivy Style, one shouldn’t have to think too much at all.

When we came across this simple spread from 1955 we were struck with the straight forwardness of the editorial, as well as the run-down on how to achieve that Ivy Look.

The article was so fascinating and perfect, we had no choice but to share and feature it with our readers here at The Eye. Knowing the ins and outs of the Ivy Look is essential for any style enthusiast, so it was only right we help educate and relate!

The key really is having those classic and timeless pieces in your wardrobe so that you’re not really having to worry so much about how it’s all coming together. You take your hand, and you touch that sports coat or shirt and all the sudden it is fused to your being for the day.

Sometimes it just feels right. The best part about it is, you can see that it’s not necessarily about being some kind of perfect specimen, at all. In fact, it is much more about pairing the unexpected, and contrasting patterns and textures in curious ways to make those around you take that second look and say “Whoa! That guy has got it together!”

At that, my friends, will make you feel damn good.

So, what’s that acronym again they are always saying? K.I.S.S….You don’t have to do much but be yourself, be comfortable, and show off a little.


Special Thanks to THE IVY LEAGUE LOOK.




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    • Well I’d say this is the perfect post for someone needing some style help! And if he’s at Yale he should definitely get into the Ivy Spirit and keep the tradition of well-dress gents alive 🙂 Thanks for passing it off, and always visiting!


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