With a new trailer for the Peacock series ANGELYNE going viral, we thought it would be a great opportunity to visit this post that honours that magic of the divine feminine embodied in the spirit we know as ANGELYNE!!!

Set for release on May 19, the show invites viewers into a world “about fame, identity, survival, billboards, Corvettes, lingerie, men, women, women teasing men, men obsessed with women, West Hollywood, crystals, UFOs, and most importantly of all, the self-proclaimed Rorschach test in pink, glow-in-the-dark queen of the universe, Angelyne.”

Sounds like all things we can definitely get behind, but there’s no doubt the original will always be better than the imitation. With that being said please enjoy this article published back in 2017!

What can we say? We are always a little ahead of the curve . . .

Everyone knows Angelyne.

A staple of Los Angeles culture, and a precursor to the “famous for being famous” antics of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian; this mysterious blonde bombshell exploded in the 80s with the wish to be famous. You can’t miss her wild billboards or that sexy pink corvette. Even if you don’t know her name – you know here. Trust me. You do!

I love the term Hollyweird, and Angelyne definitely lives up to Los Angeles’ reputation for eclectic characters and unbelievable tales of transformation.

Always a lady of mystery…not much has ever been known about her; The real her, at least.

Most of the time, you can’t make up stories as intriguing and mind rousing as simply searching for the truth. That’s exactly what Gary Baum chronicles in his latest article for The Hollywood Reporter which has got the internet buzzing!


While, I feel a little sad that her mystique has been stripped away, there’s no denying that we are only going to experience an even bigger renaissance of Angelyne and all her bright pink glory.

I wonder how she feels about all this? There are many paparazzi videos of her on the internet, and she seems to hate that kind of attention. Either way, this article does not detract from her legacy as a patron saint of Hollywood….

Everything about her IS Hollywood. The dream to be a star. To be worshipped. Iconized. And of course…the fakery of it all. It’s not a bad thing. I think its empowering to be able to be whoever you want to be.

And that’s why she remains a hero to so many people. In fact, we had posted the original article on our FACEBOOK page (GIVE US A LIKE for cool stories, inspirations, and updates), and we got a lot of response! I had promised a few people I would share this crazy documentary on Angelyne I had found while perusing the depths of Youtube, so thought why not just feature it on our site!

Angelyne definitely has a place here at The Eye of Faith. She is mysterious, enigmatic, beautiful, rebellious, independent, weird, and definitely has a singular sense of self that people would only ever even dream to attain.

Angelyne is still alive and well today and pushing her persona to the max, so do her a favour and follow her on Instagram! I was absolutely shocked at how little followers she has on there! So don’t waste the moment, people!


Above all else, I feel like Angelyne represents the magic of the feminine. The mystique a woman can harness and use as power in their life. From nothing to something….that’s magic, in itself.

Until we meet again,



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  1. I love her! I wrote a blog about her several years ago and to this day it remains my most viewed blog. Did you ever hear the song about her, “Angelyne” by The Neurotic Outsiders? It’s a cool tribute.


  2. This is wild! I was just thinking of Angelyne the other day, fond memories of living in LA and spotting her pink corvette. Stumbled upon your blog for other reasons and was so stoked to see this post! Can’t wait!


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