{STYLE WISE} – London Town as “Shot by Shooter”

If I’ve come to know you, the way I know I know you, you’re the kind of person that appreciates stomping off the beaten path, and can jump in the air for something different, interesting, genuine, and new! That’s why we’ve taken a short cut to the streets of London with the fantastic eye of Monsieur Shooter over at Shot By Shooter, an amazing street style blog from ye’ ole London Town.

London has always been the mecca in my mind for wicked style, and really cool, unique, vintage finds, so it’s no surprise to see the abundance of style aficionados on the many pages of this most special site. If you’re ever waning from your everyday, just glancing through the many faces, all with such different and contrasting styles, really can transport oneself to your own personal styling dreams and aspirations.

Blending fashion portraiture and street theatre, Shooter aims for candid and impromptu moments with his victims.Ā  Most importantly, Shot by Shooter illustrates that true style really is removed from the world of trends and followings. Why would anyone want something you could run into a dozen people on the streets in? It’s not about what you wear, but who you are that really pulls a look together, and anything that allows for your individuality to shine is going to get you there.

{How about that for some Sacred Knowledge! Shine on, you crazy diamonds!}

Here at The Eye of Faith, we are always pushing for style as a means of self expression and creativity, so naturally we just had to pass this one on to all of our faithful and friendly followers out there. We know you’re thirsty, so get a little inspiration, and check out Shot by Shooter today!

{the Eye}

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